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Topp 3 kliniker för hårtransplantation


  • #1 av 25 kliniker (4.70 / 5.00)

Ilter Clinic

  • #2 av 25 kliniker (4.50 / 5.00)

Nordic Hair

  • #3 av 25 kliniker (4.50 / 5.00)

Läs samtliga omdömen.

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Vi hjälper dig få det bästa priset på din hårtransplantation

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3,3 out of 5 stars (based on 7 reviews)
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WB clinic Istanbul turkey,Guys I did my…


WB clinic Istanbul turkey,Guys I did my teeth there they told me I have 15 year warranty.my teeth some of it come off while I was in the taxi.they don’t reply to my messages and calls.TRUST me guys be careful with this dentist.he hasn’t got the experience.and not good at all.i should of paid the extra and do them back at home.

Im so upset with these guys.there crooks and thieves.be careful.

Keith James Sis

Guys I went there in February to do all…


Guys I went there in February to do all my teeth.when I got back 1 weeks later some of the tooth chipped off.

In July I went to Greece for a holiday so made the trip back to turkey.i told them I don’t want it fixed I want 3 new teeth as I have 15 years warranty.they said to me no ill fix it.once they fixed it I went to Greece to start my holidays .3 days later 1 of the tooth went browny colour and 2 teeth some of it just like that fell off.i went back and they finally fixed it.once I went back to Greece 3 days later I was in a taxi with my family and what happens some of the tooth dropped on my tongue.i said to myself you can’t be serious.i have called them and messaged them several of time no answer,they also blocked me what the hell.

I’ll just go to my dentist back at home.

Trust me guys don’t even think going to see these people there crooks and they will take ur money and run.the dentist has got enough skills.im so upset and have to spend more money now to fix it.

Guys just WARNING you don’t go there.

Keith James Sis

Guys it’s a very long story but all I…


Guys it’s a very long story but all I can say is WB clinic Istanbul turkey don’t go there ,there crooks.

I had my teeth done in February.i booked a family holiday in Greece.4 days later I went back because I had chips in 3 chipped teeth.i told them don’t repair it put new teeth.they didn’t listen and repaired it.when I got to Greece 2 of them went off browny colour so I messaged them and the next day I left for turkey again.

They put 3 new teeth.when I got back to Greece 4 days later I was in a taxi and something drooped on my tongue I open my mouth what do I see my top teeth a layer just come off ,you can’t be serious.i have left 3 messages called 4 times no call and on top of that they deleted me on what’s up so now I can’t get through.

Trust me guys from experience don’t go there,there shifty and I regret going there all together now it’s cost me $15000 I should of done it back home and save the hassels.

How dare they dry and say I don’t use my mouth guard at night.i brush them morning and night and when I sleep I wear my mouth guard.they should be embarrassed of them self.

Keith James Sis

Jag gjorde en tandblekningsoperation och jag...


Jag gjorde en tandblekningsoperation och jag är mycket nöjd med resultatet. Tack.

Se den ursprungliga recensionen




Jag gjorde ett tandimplantat, jag är mycket nöjd, tack Wb

Se den ursprungliga recensionen

Bedircan IŞIK

Jag har ett vackert leende nu!


Jag kände mig inte säker med mina tänder, men efter att ha fått min behandling gjord av dessa proffs mår jag bra och jag skäms inte över att le!

Se den ursprungliga recensionen

Gaby Esquitin

Utmärkt upplevelse


Jag valde det på rekommendation av min vän. både teamets inställning och behandlingsprocessen och resultatet är utmärkta. Tack.

Se den ursprungliga recensionen

Ümit Akkuş

Betygsätt WB Clinique Turkey

Var först med att få vår nya svenska e-bok
"The Hair Loss Fix" - allt du behöver veta om håravfall och hårtransplantation

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Senast uppdaterad i sep 2023
Vi hjälper dig få det bästa priset på din hårtransplantation
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