Vår expertrecension kommer snart att finnas tillgänglig. Under tiden bjuder vi in dig att dela dina personliga erfarenheter av kliniken genom att lämna en recension.
My experience with Medivia Hospital was great. I am from the USA and Americans are afraid to go overseas to get cosmetic surgery done. Amal Sefi Bilir is amazing; she was able to persuade my husband and I to come to Istanbul to have our cosmetic surgery done in Medivia Hospital. So far I’m satisfied it’s been 11 days post surgery and I feel good. My husband is very happy with his results.
Amazing experience , very professional team . The hair transplant went smoothly and I was explained in detail for every step by the team. Everyone very friendly especially Amal was very helpful .
This is the best place where you can take care of your health. I had a surgery, breast reduction with lift and lipo 360 and I am more than satisfied. Stuff is great and all the organization is on high level. I had support and they took beautiful care of me. Adisa is a wonderful person and she was with me through all the steps. Doktor Mehmet Gürler is amazing and humble. He did such a good work. This is safe hospital and you can trust them with everything. I recommend them to everyone.
My experience was amazing and they made me happy. All the best for Medivia
très satisfaite de ma rhinoplastie accompagnée par gamze merci encore pour la prise en charge aucun regret
Am fost foarte impresionata de serviciile primite in Turcia, de la doamna Rodica, care s a ocupat de tot si m a veghiat pe tot parcursul sederii mele(ii multumesc din suflet),pana la cel mai mic detaliu.Multumiri domnului dr Tolga Aksan pt toata munca depusa si intregii echipe. Mult succes in contiunare.Recomand cu cea mai mare incredere!!!
Am fost foarte impresionata de serviciile primite in Turcia, de la doamna Rodica, care s a ocupat de tot si m a veghiat pe tot parcursul sederii mele(ii multumesc din suflet),pana la cel mai mic detaliu.Multumiri domnului dr Tolga Aksan pt toata munca depusa si intregii echipe. Mult succes in contiunare.Recomand cu cea mai mare incredere!!!
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