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Mittal Hair Clinic Expertomdöme

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Topp 3 kliniker för hårtransplantation


  • #1 av 25 kliniker (4.70 / 5.00)

Ilter Clinic

  • #2 av 25 kliniker (4.50 / 5.00)

Nordic Hair

  • #3 av 25 kliniker (4.50 / 5.00)

Läs samtliga omdömen.

Mittal Hair Clinic information


Vi hjälper dig få det bästa priset på din hårtransplantation

Vad tycker andra om Mittal Hair Clinic?

4,9 out of 5 stars (based on 130 reviews)
Very good1%

A clinic you can never trust


A clinic you can never trust. Definitely not recommended.

Nous Ip

They deceive patients by running ads…


They deceive patients by running ads for other clinics!!! Stay away from this clinic. I wanted to go to Dr. Cinik in Istanbul for my hair treatment, but they falsely claim to be him under the name “Mita Clinic – Dr. Cinik.” This clinic is absolutely unreliable.

Meriç Erpehlivan

5 Star Experience


If your reading these reviews and thinking about getting a hair transplant as I was 12 months ago your heading in the right direction. I am 7 months post procedure and have gone from an aggressive norwood 3 to somewhere between norwood 1 and 2 and the hair continues to thicken each month. I

can actually style my hair again! I have fair hair and had just over 2300 grafts transplanted and started taking finasteride 5 months prior to the transplant with no side

effects. If you didn’t know I’d had a transplant you wouldn’t be able to tell as there is no scarring in the recipient or donor area and Mani creates a hairline to look as natural and age appropriate as possible. If you are considering surgery its definitely worth doing as much research for yourself as possible and getting in touch for a consultation, my first call was with Russ, Mani’s patient advisor who puts you at ease and has a general chat about want you would like to achieve. Following my consultation with Mani I asked if he could put me in touch with any of his previous

patients as I didn’t know anyone who had had it done before. Speaking to someone who had this surgery really helped along with Mani’s Instagram page in making my decision.

The day of surgery is full on and Mani and his two technicians work pretty much full on for 8hrs with a short 10min break for lunch. Once Mani has numbed the area he then selects the follicles in the donor area using a punch, once all the punches are made the technician then extracts the follicles. The other technician then sorts the follicles into groups of single hairs, doubles or triples. Mani then makes incisions into the recipient area and then the right amount of hairs per follicles are planted into the right incision by Mani and his technicians. Mani only has one patient per day which along with meeting him prior to surgery was very important to me.

After care is also key in a successful outcome and you are given a pack at the end of the day with step by step instructions. Thanks again Mani and team, looking forward to seeing my progress over the next 11 months.

Ryan Murray

3 weeks post Surgery


3 weeks post procedure & everything has all gone smoothly. It was a massive decision to make getting a hair transplant with the right surgeon but I’m more than happy I have chosen Doctor Mani. His reviews online are outstanding & I can also highly recommend him to anyone who what’s to go ahead with surgery. His attention to detail & knowledge is outstanding. I had great experience with the whole team & continuing to keep in contact with them regularly with updates showing my progress. This is a relationship for life & makes me feel safe knowing I can rely on them for help or even more work to be done down the line when needed. I will post another review in 12 months describing my experiences & progress. It’s reviews like this that help us all understand what we are getting our selves Into so let’s keep sharing our experiences & keep the comity going strong. Again big thanks to every at Mittal Hair Clinic & your incredible work.

Jack Day

Very professional and caring all the…


Very professional and caring all the way throughout. Thank you


When you know, you know


I spent a lot of time researching for my procedure. I knew a number of people that went to Turkey but after meeting Dr Mani I was convinced. Since my procedure in early June I continue to be impressed and reassured everyday on my progress. So far so good. If in doubt have a consultation and you will know!!


Professional expertise with Dr Mani and his team


Dr Mani and his team are the perfect combination of professional expertise and communication mastery!

Upon meeting Dr Mani the morning of the surgery my nerves were instantly settled by his compassion to deliver the best possible outcome and his quick witted personality had me settled with in minutes!.

The surgery was 8 hours and their primary concern was to constantly check in to make sure I was comfortable.

The two nurses were brilliant. Had a great chat with them whilst they dealt with the grafts. Dr Mani would come back in every 30 minutes to check I was ok and everything was going smoothly.

All in all, I am forever grateful to the team. Wouldn’t hesitate for a minute to go back or recommend to family and friends.

You guys are the hair wizards! – my Jam!

Can’t wait to see the results.

I’m 8 days post op.

Martyn, ( the not so bald anymore!! )

Martyn Aslett

Nice clinic


Nice clinic, good support, good docs! Great

Anita Berry

I was listened to and understood both…


I was listened to and understood both by Dr Mani and by Mr Howe. Given the nature of my condition (23 and already had a bad hair transplant), I was easily dismissed by all the places near me and my country(Serbia). Not by Dr Mani. It won’t be a short road for me, but I look forward to completing it alongside Dr Mani and Mr Howe.

Mihajlo Bošković

Bad result which required a second surgery to fix


I received 1901 grafts from this surgery and was told i would get a ”good” Norwood 3 result. this didn’t happen and i got barely any growth and almost no additional growth past 6-8months post-op.

Strangely, i had multiple consultations which all seemed to say i had a great donor area, but on the day Mani only managed to extract mostly singles (746) and doubles (960) with very few triples (195). which i found bizarre as my donor area was very thick.

From comparing the post-op pictures and day 1 pictures to my results at 1 year post surgery (27/07/2023) it is obvious that nearly 40-50% or more of the grafts planted didn’t take.

My experience during the surgery was personally hard, the anaesthetic constantly wearing off, i could feel constant stinging and every graft implanted into my head.

I expressed my desire for a refund which wasn’t accepted after the bad result.

I recently went for a second transplant at a different more established clinic to fix the results provided by Dr Mani. During this surgery they again where surprised how good my donor area was despite a previous surgery. They managed to extract 2500 grafts which consisted of around 400 singles, 1250 doubles, 800 triples and, 50 quadruples. This doesn’t quite make sense, why weren’t these grafts extracted during my previous surgery???? They also stated my donor had some slight over harvesting in parts from the previous surgery by Dr Mani which required them to avoid.

Ryan Pearce

Very friendly staff and Dr Mani was a…


Very friendly staff and Dr Mani was a great laugh and skilled surgeon, I look forward to seeing my results soon!

Alexander Gharbawi

Very friendly staff and Dr Mani was a…


Very friendly staff and Dr Mani was a great laugh and skilled surgeon, I look forward to seeing my results soon!

Alexander Gharbawi

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Senast uppdaterad i sep 2023
Vi hjälper dig få det bästa priset på din hårtransplantation
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