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Topp 3 kliniker för hårtransplantation


  • #1 av 25 kliniker (4.70 / 5.00)

Ilter Clinic

  • #2 av 25 kliniker (4.50 / 5.00)

Nordic Hair

  • #3 av 25 kliniker (4.50 / 5.00)

Läs samtliga omdömen.

H2clinica information


Vi hjälper dig få det bästa priset på din hårtransplantation

Vad tycker andra om H2clinica?

4,2 out of 5 stars (based on 28 reviews)
Very good7%

Bad Management



I had hair transplant surgery they seemed to be unprofessional the guy who performed my surgery was like on training,my head is runied don’t recommend to anyone this clinic,until they took money there was a doctor after taking money the doctor was vanished,just don’t look at the Price be aware that there are to many scammers in turkey also,

I don’t recommend H2Clinica to Anybody

Muhammad Umar Hashmi

It was a great experience…the clinic…was fantastic


It was a great experience…the clinic and the people were fantastic very professional,I highly recommend H2clinical

Marcos Cesar de Paula junior

They are honest in dealing, the result is more than wonderful, and their prices are very excellent.


I came from the United States , The operation was very successful, the result was excellent and more than I expected, and everything they said at the beginning was honest with me, and the result I see is this. An excellent center with excellent results, and their prices and treatment are wonderful.


My name is Arafa


My name is Arafa. I came from Canada. to Istanbul Turkey August 13 2024 They pick me up from airport they put me Best hotel in downtown Istanbul they pick me up from hotel Drop me to clinic They gave me the best service in like celebrity status i’m highly recommend H2 clinic. hair transplant, and dental I’m very satisfied with their work, especially ibrahim. he is really professional and doctors and the rest of the team. I’m really appreciated it all of them. I think you all


My experience with h2 clinics was super…


My experience with h2 clinics was super good. I have vip treatment from airport to hotel, all the workers are very friendly I enjoy my stay at the hotel it was 5 stars, and I love my teeth

PoshHair Fanrworth

I was concerned about my chances of…


I was concerned about my chances of receiving a hair transplant. Despite the fact that hair transplants are rather popular in Turkey, a friend suggested that I check out H2 Clinic and informed me of all the benefits this facility offers. I went to the centre and had the procedure there in spite of my first reservations. I had no disappointments at all with the centre. The personnel at H2 Clinic is extensively trained and experienced in hair transplantation. This clinic is among the greatest hair transplant facilities in Istanbul, I can state that with confidence. I had a good experience at the centre; they did not leave me alone while I was recovering, and I did all they said to get the best outcome.

Kerem Daduş

Good technical expertise in hair transplant


It has been six months since I had hair transplant procedure with H2 Clinica in Istanbul and I can now verify that I have significant hair growth at hair transplanted area and that is testament to technical expertise staff possess at H2Clinca. I would recommend H2Clinica to anyone aiming to go through hair transplant.


Good technical expertise in hair transplant


It has been six months since I had hair transplant procedure with H2 Clinica in Istanbul and I can now verify that I have significant hair growth at hair transplanted area and that is testament to technical expertise staff possess at H2Clinca. I would recommend H2Clinica to anyone aiming to go through hair transplant.


Be Aware



Muhammad Umar Hashmi

Wael (translator) was very kind and…


Wael (translator) was very kind and helpful. The facility at Vera Clinic is very clean. They will just need to improve the process a bit by giving a restroom break to the patients as the procedure generally takes 8 hours total. The hair extraction and hair implants take 3 hours each so letting the patients know and giving a prior break would be good.


These guys were great


These guys were great. Everything was done extremely diligently and I found the experience to be seamless. From the arrival to the procedure it was very easy.


Treatment was pain free just bit…


Treatment was pain free just bit uncomfortable with the needles but definitely highly recommend staff are amazing and they answer every question before a even asked witch a really liked

Wayne Oliver

Betygsätt H2clinica Turkey

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"The Hair Loss Fix" - allt du behöver veta om håravfall och hårtransplantation

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Senast uppdaterad i sep 2023
Vi hjälper dig få det bästa priset på din hårtransplantation
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